For Christmas I wanted to make my sons teacher something to show appreciation for all she has done so far! He's in Kindergarten and before Christmas break knew how to write all letters in cursive, could count to 100, reading 2-5 letter blends & words and already starting addition..I'm impressed to say the least! I have seen a few crayon wreaths online and really liked them..but wanted something different!
Off to Michael's we go!
Here's what we used -
Unfinished wood frame (has a 5x7 opening) - $5.00
Crayons (2 boxes) @ $1.00 each - $2.00 total
Small unfinished wood rectangle "sign" - $0.50
Painted School themed wood cutouts @ $0.25 each - $1.25
Black Matte Finish Paint (on hand) - FREE
White Matte Finish Paint (on hand) - FREE
Glue sticks & Glue Gun (on hand) - FREE
Ribbon (on hand) - FREE
Project Total - $8.75
Ok let's get started! You obviously can put the crayons on however you wanted but this is how I did it! Put all like colors together. I had the boy help me sort them out. Browns, Blacks (which included grays, silver, etc), & White went off to the side as the "extra" colors. I was going to try complete OCD and do all like colors and sort them lightest to darkest but decided to skip that with the help of a 5 year old!

I had the boy hand me whichever crayons he wanted in each group (and tried to not have the same color together). We worked in rainbow order and started with the reds and worked our way around. I found that trying to put glue on the frame first and sticking the crayon on next worked best. Gluing onto the crayon then to the frame made the crayon fall right off! I used a straight edge to line the crayons to the opening of the frame and started at the complete outside edge. I made sure the crayons were even with the floor on the sides of the frame. I worked around the frame clockwise and just repeated until I got back to the starting point.

For some reason the crayons didn't fit on the left side of the frame evenly like they did on the left side! I put one black crayon and two white (the two end crayons), rubbed the second black crayon on the glue gun a bit to melt it some and glued it and wedged into place between the first black and first white crayon. It sticks out some but not a biggie!

Next I put the ribbon on the back. Just made it even on both sides and used the cutout to make the length even. Lots and Lots of hot glue! The "wreath" wasn't heavy just wanted to be safe!
Painted the glass from the frame with a White letter M for his teachers name, let dry and painted over it in the matte black to look like a chalkboard.
The black "Welcome" sign I also painted like a chalkboard. Black with white letters and glued the school themed cutouts around the "chalkboard" and glued on to the wreath!

My biggest worry was breaking it before it got to the school! I was happy to see that after Christmas break it was hanging up in the classroom!
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